Alison's Blog
Sharing stories, tips, and guidance for a happy, vibrant life.Protect Women
Protect Women One late October day I saw a 7 year old who had smeared frozen blueberries all over his body When I asked him about it- he explained to me that it looked like bruises and for Halloween he wanted to be a ‘beaten woman’ My...
Initiation into the Sacred Realm of Motherhood
“Initiation Into the Sacred Realm of Motherhood” The water flows and flowsOut of controlDown my leg it goes Are you ready for a soul journey?A heart yearning to be free Walking through the oaks as the sun goes downSetting upon the first phase of my...
A Prayer for all of Creation
Oh Father/Mother Goddess Birther of All Creation Great Mystery, the Void of Nothingness Light of Consciousness, the spark of creation From your Union All Life manifesting Guide us Home Into the Innocence of our True Nature Open, Vulnerable, Free, A Joyful Embodiment...
A few days agoI cried in Yoga classIt’s been a long time since I last cried in a Yoga class- not since the healing from my divorce My teacher said something like, “You know sometimes people get upset about how the teacher adjusts them in class. They...
Mercury Retrograde
Ohhhh Mercury Retrograde- My old friend Yes, it’s that time of year again when Mercury goes Retrograde (February 17- March 10 2020). The time when deep seated feelings and emotions ride to the surface. The time when there are glitches in technology and...
Path of LOVE
“Would you become a pilgrim on the road of Love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes” - Rumi Several years ago I committed my Life over to Spirit I dedicated myself in Service of LOVE I let go of the...
Allowing Myself to Be Seen
Allowing myself to be Seen- Last weekend after Lodge I was sitting by the fire praying and A woman came up to me saying, “I saw you arrived in a Lyft. Do you have a ride home?” No, I replied- I was hoping to see a friend I knew to ride...
New Moon in Pisces
“What you seekIs seeking you”-Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi There is more LOVE available than One could ever have dreamed The practice is learning how to Open to the flow Increasing ones ability to channel the LOVE through you ...