“Thank you for this day Spirit
Thank you for this day”
These are the words I woke up to today
Feeling beyond blessed to wake up under the mist in this sacred valley of the moon
To the sounds of our baby chicks
Surrounded by all the living plant friends in the garden
With the dog and my son sleeping
Under the moonlight
On our homestead where we can grow our food
And open our hearts
In remembrance
Of the Divine beauty that we Are
Morning Sheng Zhen meditation and Qi Gong practice with the family
Planting more sacred sisters into the earth
With every day,
With every breath,
I give thanks
Thank you so much
To the teachers
To the Medicine
To the Divine Mother and Father
I am a humble servant of your love
May my life be a living example of unconditional Love
May my service and devotion
Help to heal the world and
Heal the hearts of all my relations
I am forever grateful
I bow down to your beauty
Kissing the earth in devotion
We are One
We are Love
Thank you for this day