Path of LOVE

Path of LOVE

“Would you become a pilgrim on the road of Love?   The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes” – Rumi  Several years ago  I committed my Life over to Spirit I dedicated myself in  Service of LOVE I let go of...
Allowing Myself to Be Seen

Allowing Myself to Be Seen

Allowing myself to be Seen- Last weekend after Lodge   I was sitting by the fire praying and A woman came up to me saying,  “I saw you arrived in a Lyft.   Do you have a ride home?” No, I replied- I was hoping to see a friend I knew to ride...
New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces

“What you seekIs seeking you”-Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi  There is more LOVE available than One could ever have dreamed The practice is learning how to Open to the flow Increasing ones ability to channel the LOVE through you ...
This woman

This woman

This woman She has been such an asset to our family She is an incredible mother to my children She is a dear sister and  Close companion I feel blessed to call her family   Our family is  creating a model for others  to be inspired by New Paradigm Co-Parenting We are...
I pray for a day when

I pray for a day when

I pray for the day when . . . . . All beings Awaken Opening our Eyes to See The Mother has generously Provided for us All that we need Has already been given Remembering the Language of Love We communicate with All our Relations The Elders are teaching us Guiding us...
We are the Prayers

We are the Prayers

We are the prayers of our Ancestors Manifest We are the prayers of our Ancestral Call They say- Give Thanks, Give Thanks Child Given Thanks, Give Thanks Listen, Listen Listen, Listen We are the prayers of our Ancestors manifest We are the prayers of the Ancestral Call...