Full Moon in Aquarius
Across from Venus and the Sun conjunct in Leo
I planted these passion flowers because
they are beautiful and also because
Phoebe loves passion flowers
When she comes into my
Flower garden for tea
We get to share sacred space
Beside one of her favorite allies and
enjoy medicines together
With the position of Venus now-
It is time to LOVE yourself up
Remember- your outside relations are a
Reflection of your inside relations
Plant the seeds of LOVE
Within your heart
Grow the flowers that are your protectors, guardians, teachers and friends
These are the flowers to cultivate within the
Garden of your heart space
If you desire deep intimate connections with
people who are
Emotionally available
Then plant those seeds within yourself
Being vulnerable with yourself first
Holding space for all of you-
exactly how you are
Allows others the space to be
loved and accepted as they are
Why waste your time growing the flowers that others love-
If they don’t want to share medicine in your garden with you?
Who are your friends that often reach out?
Who are your friends that reply when you contact them?
Who are your friends that
come and visit you
In your sacred garden and
Pray with you under the
Full Moon
Honor these friendships
Nourish the roots of those precious plants
Give them the same tender
love and care you would to a
Baby seedling
Close friendships are hard to find
Be that kind of friend to yourself
It’s a waste of time to grow the flowers
that others love- if they are not
willing to be present to
bask in the glory of the flower’s bloom with you
There is no need to chase-
Those who are meant to be on your path
Will find you and they will
Relish in the beauty of your soul
Become your own best friend
Grow the flowers that make your heart sing
Be emotionally available and intimate with yourself
Cherish the friendships you do have
Honor them
Allow yourself to receive their love
Pursue yourself with the same gusto you would give to a lover
Shower yourself with the fruits of your labors
Grow the flowers that open your eyes to see
Love is all there is
Grow the flowers that put a
Smile on your face and
Sooth your aching heart
Grow the flowers that
Nourish your soul
Hold space for yourself when you are in breakdown
Clean up the mess and
forgive yourself afterward
Return once again to
Pray by the sacred fire
You no longer have to carry the shame
You no longer have to present yourself as
Unworthy, defective or bad
Let the past go
Give that shit up into
The light of your higher self
Allow your essence to enter fully into your body and
Reclaim the brilliance of
Who you are
Breathe in your essence
You are beautiful
You are loveable and
You are tremendously loving
Let that love into your heart space
Its ok to be vulnerable
Its ok to let yourself be seen
You deserve friends who love your awesomeness and
Want to be with you

Giving thanks to friends who
Share sacred space
And pray under the
Beauty of the Full Moon
To all my relations-
I give thanks