Sexual energy is something that probably everyone has felt in his or her life. It is one of the most fundamental energies on the planet. As humans, we are driven to procreate to keep our species going. We are programmed to attract a mate of the opposite sex in order to make babies and continue our lineage. It is a life force that runs through our bodies.

When a person has physical or inner beauty they tend to attract people to them. With that attraction there is often lust and desire. So what does one do if they are attractive? Well, I will admit it has come in handy a few times and I have used my smile and intelligent conversation to get me out of a few tight situations where I could have suffered negative consequences.

I used to not know how to deal with the sexual energy that I could feel from others. My strategy growing up was to run, hide, play dumb to it, or turn a blind eye. Of course none of these strategies ever worked for me. Despite my best efforts, I could not make myself invisible. I tried the classic child’s game of, “If I cannot see it, then it can not see me,” which has never worked for anyone.

When I finally got my braces off sophomore year of high school and had fully grown into a woman’s body I was suddenly attracting more attention from the opposite sex. I did not know how to handle this energy. I briefly struggled with anorexia at this point, a cry for attention and help. I needed help desperately in dealing with my emotions and had no way to communicate it to the world. I wanted so badly to be loved and appreciated by someone of the opposite sex, but as soon I felt the attraction I did not know what to do with it.

It was right at that age when I turned to marijuana to help me cope with my emotions. If I was not in school, then I was stoned, a pattern that continued for many, many years. I used marijuana to hide from any feelings or emotions that were uncomfortable. In college it became a game to me, I was proud of the fact that I could smoke more than any woman I knew and still hold it together. For 16 years marijuana was almost always flowing through my veins (there were two 3 month periods of sobriety in that time).

I was also constantly in a relationship with a man. I was afraid to be single- afraid I would not find someone who would love me if they saw all of me. I was afraid of having to deal with the feelings of attraction from men if I was single. I thought, as long as I was in a relationship- I was safe. I could send out the “I’m TAKEN” pheromones to the opposite sex, and no one would project their lust and desire towards me.

I spent years hiding my physical beauty in modest clothing. I would wear my stained and dirty working clothing all the time. Never wanting to draw sexual attention to myself. Never wanting to look sexy or even outwardly beautiful most of the time.

I was given a wonderful opportunity to face this sexual attraction energy when I got divorced. I was suddenly thrown into the singles pool again after 14 years. At first it was strange having men attracted to me. Suddenly almost all the men I knew were interested in the idea of being my partner. Single men, men in relationships, even married men, I could feel attraction from.

Sexual Energy image

I have learned to stand and face the energy; to meet the sexual energy with compassion and love. Instead of being disgusted by it, running and attempting unsuccessfully to hide from it, I now face it, and greet it with love.

If a man brings that sexual energy to me and I do not wish to engage romantically with him, then I tell him with my energy that I will meet him heart to heart but not sexually.

If you choose to share love with me, I will share that love with you; from my heart to your heart, my eyes to your eyes. We can look at each other and bask in the beauty of who we are- the light of God. I am God and you are God, let us look into each other’s eyes and be the light of God together. Let us raise the energy from the 2nd Chakra to the heart Chakra. There I will meet your energy and you can meet mine. I choose not to meet your energy with my 2nd Chakra.

I believe this to be one of the most important things we as humans can be doing with each other. Let us take this life force energy and bring it out of the darkness, out of the shame, guilt and fear where it has been stuck for so many of us. Stuck in our misunderstandings of our sexualities. Let us embrace the power of this energy and bring it to our hearts where we can freely exchange it with others and use it for the good of all mankind. Maybe this is even what it means to be a saint or enlightened soul; someone who can transform the life force energy that flows through the 2nd Chakra and bring it into the heart.

Imagine how differently women would be portrayed in the media, and Hollywood if we were communicating as a culture through our heart Chakra and not our 2nd Chakra. What if we changed the way we speak about sexual energy. Instead of “Men hit on me all the time,” what if we say, “Men choose to see my beauty all the time.” Instead of saying, “He’s f**king with me,” we can choose to say, “He is trying to engage my energy with his.” 

There have been so few men that have come to me and expressed their appreciation and gratitude of my beauty from their heart Chakra. When a man approaches a woman and can tell them they are beautiful with no lust in their heart- that is glorious thing!

Together let us all raise our life force energy up into our hearts with as many people as possible. This is exactly what happens with the breath work. As we breathe into the low belly and gather the energy from there, we bring it into the heart with the second inhale and breath out the blockages with the exhale.

So from my heart to your heart- I see you, I love you, I greet you with compassion. You can choose to see me through your lusting eyes of the 2nd Chakra, or you can choose to see me through the eyes of your loving heart Chakra. I choose to see and feel you through me heart.